Every year, the Bioengineering department honors graduate and undergraduate students who have shown dedication, leadership and outstanding service. Here are the recipients of this year’s awards:
Graduate Recipients:
Excellence in Promoting Diversity, Equity, & Inclusiveness - Fariha Ahmad and Alexis Wilkinson
Outstanding PhD Thesis Award - Joshua Chen and Boram Kim
Outstanding Achievement Award - Trenton Piepergerdes
Research Excellence Award - Amanda Nash
Research Excellence Award - Honorable Mention - Tyler Graf
MBE AB Outstanding Graduate Student - Shravani Deo
MBE Christiaan Scholtz Award - Simone Pfaller
MBE GMI Outstanding Graduate Student - Kaira Lujan
Undergraduate Recipients:
Distinction in Research and Creative Works - Shelby DesRoches, Andrei Mitrofan, Spencer Shah, and Vivian Wong
Outstanding Service in Bioengineering - Travis J. Dowd, Vanessa Garlepp, Yannie Guo, and Danny Nguyen
Outstanding Senior in Bioengineering - Andrei Mitrofan
Outstanding Junior in Bioengineering - Anushka Agrawal and Shannon McGill
Outstanding Bioengineering Design Team - Team EndoSoap, with team members Sofi Aguilers, Travis Dowd, Aridna Gomez, Emily McAmis