Ph.D. students in computational and applied mathematics at Rice University should take the following introductory courses in their first year — except for CAAM 600, which is taken in the spring semester of the second year.
Introductory Courses
- CAAM 501: Analysis I
- CAAM 519: Computational Science I
- CAAM 553: Advanced Numerical Analysis I
- CAAM 554: Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations and Unconstrained Optimization
- CAAM 571: Linear and Integer Programming
- CAAM 600: Thesis Writing
Students must also take at least one course in six areas listed below:
Distribution Courses
- Applied Analysis: CAAM 435, CAAM 440, CAAM 523, CAAM 540, CAAM 552, CAAM 560
- Continuous Optimization: CAAM 560, CAAM 564, CAAM 565
- Mathematical Physics and Biology: CAAM 523, CAAM 535, CAAM 615
- Numerical Differential Equations: CAAM 536, CAAM 552
- Numerical Linear Algebra/Computational Sciences: CAAM 520, CAAM 551
- Probability and Statistics: CAAM 583, STAT 502, STAT 532, STAT 533, STAT 550, STAT 581, STAT 582, STAT 650
Course Descriptions
Descriptions of all CAAM courses can be found in General Announcements.
Graduate Handbook
The CAAM graduate handbook contains detailed information about exams, funding, required and recommended courses, and regulations and rules for the various degree programs.